Friday, 8 November 2013

The Google+/Youtube integration is a good thing; now stop complaining!

This is pretty straight forward; I'm finding that people are missing the point regarding the integration of Google+ comments with YouTube which by itself represents a major improvement to what was the hellish system prior to this.

So why the hell is everyone suddenly up in arms about this?

Need I remind those people that now Google+ comments are being used, there will now be a better way to manage user comments and create more organization for YouTubers to manage their content and connect with their audience. Comments can now be moderated; curbing the need for other users to flag that comment multiple times in order for it to disappear. It's quite the joke that people think that this is the end of the world; it's the exact opposite in the fact that YouTube comments will now have some form of maturity. Sure, you will still have the occasional asshole whom is a total degenerate and makes a ridiculously bad comment, but now it's easier to simply censor that person and carry on with important things.

Let's not forget that Google+ is an amazing platform for sharing content with others...far better in my opinion than Facebook or Twitter; as G+ gives you more creative freedom and the ability to express that creativity on a large, social level. With this integration, we will be able to see a good chance in constructive comments and proper moderation that could give YouTube a second chance in social communication.

So sit back, relax a bit and let the real reality of the situation sink in. You might just like what comes out of this!

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